minnamade minutes

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Hardest Part

Rock Chick says it more succintly, but Great Golly O'Molly! It takes a wee bit longer than the prophesized "3-5 days" for a KnitPicks delivery to make it here. I've heard wonderful things about the alpaca/silk blend "store brand" yarn of theirs... here's hoping it's worth it.

On the upside, I'm still waiting for the E. Zimmerman book (Knitting Around? Something like that.) so I'd still be spinning my wheels even if the yarn had arrived in a timely fashion.

I know, I know, "you get what you paid for" and "beggars can't be choosers". But if someone says "3-5 days". Well. Who would have thought that I still had such an optomistic streak in my crusty ol' body.

I could be working on Kepler, I know. But. Well. I'm just having lots of second thoughts about the drapeyness of the yarn I'm using. I've learned enough about myself to know that if I'm having these kinds of second thoughts not even halfway through the project, the end result is most likely going to be hanks of kinky, freshly frogged yarn being jammed hastily into the back of a yarn bin.



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