You put your stash in there!
My new excuse for radio silence is two fold:
One, I had my first mammogram last week. Based on something in that image, they've asked me to come back in again for a re-scan. Their assurances include the fact that I am young (and therefore "dense", and yes this has been the cause for all kinds of jokes) and have hard to read breasts as well as their desire to make as clear a "baseline" image as possible because of my family history with breast cancer.
So. After a good old-fashioned freakout and cry, I'm doing well. I told my parents about it (and that went much better than I expected) and we are hoping for the best while eyeing our bank accounts and preparing for the worst.
I'm scheduled to go in again on Monday, and I'll be meeting with the radiologist this time, so I'll know right away if there is something to be worried about.
Two, we're buying a house! Now, if they do find something Monday, we'll probably see if we can back out of the deal because we need to get our finances figured out. But if it's just dense tah-tahs... and if the home inspection Tuesday goes well, and the paperwork is clean... this will be the new Chez Snark:

There are so many cubbyholes and storage spaces... I've been mentally placing furniture and yarn since they sellers accepted our offer.
We're meeting with the loan lady tomorrow to complete our application, the inspection is Tuesday (as I mentioned above), and if all goes well... closing is scheduled for May 5th.
Cross your needles for us!
In knitting news: yes. I'm still working on the DarkityMa Phoenix Shawl. I'm already thinking about the next project, though... which might have something to do with the bit o' cotton I have in the stash. Someone, please stop me before I do this! I hate cotton! HATE! But... spring... and... lacy tank tops... and... ack. So weak.
One, I had my first mammogram last week. Based on something in that image, they've asked me to come back in again for a re-scan. Their assurances include the fact that I am young (and therefore "dense", and yes this has been the cause for all kinds of jokes) and have hard to read breasts as well as their desire to make as clear a "baseline" image as possible because of my family history with breast cancer.
So. After a good old-fashioned freakout and cry, I'm doing well. I told my parents about it (and that went much better than I expected) and we are hoping for the best while eyeing our bank accounts and preparing for the worst.
I'm scheduled to go in again on Monday, and I'll be meeting with the radiologist this time, so I'll know right away if there is something to be worried about.
Two, we're buying a house! Now, if they do find something Monday, we'll probably see if we can back out of the deal because we need to get our finances figured out. But if it's just dense tah-tahs... and if the home inspection Tuesday goes well, and the paperwork is clean... this will be the new Chez Snark:

There are so many cubbyholes and storage spaces... I've been mentally placing furniture and yarn since they sellers accepted our offer.
We're meeting with the loan lady tomorrow to complete our application, the inspection is Tuesday (as I mentioned above), and if all goes well... closing is scheduled for May 5th.
Cross your needles for us!
In knitting news: yes. I'm still working on the DarkityMa Phoenix Shawl. I'm already thinking about the next project, though... which might have something to do with the bit o' cotton I have in the stash. Someone, please stop me before I do this! I hate cotton! HATE! But... spring... and... lacy tank tops... and... ack. So weak.
I will have fingers toes and needles crosses for your tah-tahs and the house. which by the way is totally cute (the house--I am sure your boobs are cute too, but we'll save the titty appreciation for another post)
UrbanGypZ, at 6:06 AM
Hee, thanks! (And yes, they are spectacular.. .ly cute!)
The inspection went OK, but we're getting cold feet now because of various issues (plumbing, electrical, monetary)... so now we're devising a plan B as we put together an addendum to our offer.
There is another offer waiting on the house for an additional $20,000 so we don't feel so bad walking away from this if we have to. We are out the $1000 in in spection fees, though... which hurts.
We'll see. It is a darn cute house.
minnaming, at 11:01 AM
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