Stalling... productively.
The shawl, she crawls. In the meantime, more FOs!

Shedir from Knitty's Breast Cancer Awareness issue.

Detail of the top, junky purl panels and all.
DarkityMa has taken to wearing it all the time at home (they sent pics, but I can't seem to pull the photo off of my email) as it is the most snug cap and can stay on her little bald head comfortably. She looks adorable, though a bit thin from what she's been through. She had her last chemo session last week and goes in for a blood test tomorrow to check on her levels. So far this has been the least nauseating session yet. Cross your fingers for her!
Lampades Doll
I also did a little doll for a BPAL monster swap. This one is based on one of the five favorite perfumes of my swapee. I picked "Lampades" which are torch bearing evil nymphs. The pattern is based on the Joan Jett doll in Stitch 'n Bitch Nation with a few modifications in the shoulders and head to make her more creepy.

flame detail and profile
I'm also in the s-l-o-w process of unraveling a funky cashmere sweater I found at the Goodwill. It's a short sleeved, mock-turtle-semi-cowl necked thing that makes absolutely no sense. Wish me luck!

DarkityMa has taken to wearing it all the time at home (they sent pics, but I can't seem to pull the photo off of my email) as it is the most snug cap and can stay on her little bald head comfortably. She looks adorable, though a bit thin from what she's been through. She had her last chemo session last week and goes in for a blood test tomorrow to check on her levels. So far this has been the least nauseating session yet. Cross your fingers for her!

Lampades Doll
I also did a little doll for a BPAL monster swap. This one is based on one of the five favorite perfumes of my swapee. I picked "Lampades" which are torch bearing evil nymphs. The pattern is based on the Joan Jett doll in Stitch 'n Bitch Nation with a few modifications in the shoulders and head to make her more creepy.

I'm also in the s-l-o-w process of unraveling a funky cashmere sweater I found at the Goodwill. It's a short sleeved, mock-turtle-semi-cowl necked thing that makes absolutely no sense. Wish me luck!

Good luck with the unraveling - what are you going to do with the cashmere once it's unraveled? (Oh, and can I just say, that is the greatest idea ever. I've been dying to buy some chenille but it is so crazy expensive... maybe I can find a chenille something to unravel at the Goodwill?)
LindseyO, at 8:54 AM
Is that a new haircut? I love the layers around the face! SnB Aville says hi! Miss you!
UrbanGypZ, at 5:47 AM
Stacey! Hi! Helloooo Asheville too! :waving:
It's an old new haircut. I got it over the summer, when it was dubbed "The Benatar". I want to get it cut short again, but I most certainly do not want to sheer all my fur during the winter. Brrr!
I miss you guys too. We're going to be Back East between Christmas and New Years, which unfortunately is usually when everyone else is out visiting relatives too. Are you going to be around?
minnaming, at 5:56 PM
That hat is *gorgeous*!
Bliss, at 1:26 PM
bliss (great username!), it's a wonderful hat! And such an easy pattern. Great for learning cable-needleless-cables.
And even though it's a wee splurge, I highly recommend making it in the suggested Rowan Calmer. Because, Calmer! I want to roll around in a vat of this stuff.
minnaming, at 1:39 PM
I'll definitely give that pattern a try when I have the time to devote to it. I don't mind shelling out for the good yarn if I only need enough for a hat.
(By the way, you know me. I'm Heather from the Asheville S&B. Stacey told me you had a blog!)
Hmmm, I just realized you can't get to my blog by clicking on my profile. Let's see if I can do something about that...
We miss you lots! :*
Bliss, at 2:50 PM
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